
Constructive Conflict Transformation

Training Manual For School Counselors

The manual is a comprehensive compilation of the experiences throughout four years of work with Palestinian school counselors. All of the activities, even if taken – with reference to the source – from elsewhere, are customized to the general concept and context; some of the activities even have been newly invented. A team has applied and tested all of the activities in the local context. Finally, still today there is very little of this kind of material available in Arabic. The manual primarily serves to support the counselors in addressing issues related to conflict and violence at schools. It is

  • a resource for reviewing and applying the content and approach of the training courses
  • a guideline for developing workshops with students in schools
  • a guideline for training counselor colleagues or other adults in constructive conflict transformation

Most of the activities described in this manual apply to youth from the age of 9 to 18, and some to younger children between 5 and 8. To support, in particular, the work with counselor colleagues and/or other adults (teachers, families etc.), the manual also contains some activities that apply in particular to adults.


Implementing partnership organizations: Middle East Nonviolence and Democracy (MEND), Jerusalem, and Center for Education and Encounter in Nonviolent Action KURVE Wustrow





KURVE Wustrow - Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte für gewaltfreie Aktion


