CPS consortium
Who runs the CPS?
The Civil Peace Service is run by nine German peace and development organisations and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The implementing agencies of the CPS have come together to form the Civil Peace Service Consortium. They are dedicated to a variety of tasks and contribute diverse experiences, skills and methods to the work. The organisations have specific access to social groups in the partner countries. The tasks of the Consortium are to extend the content of the CPS, to exchange experiences, to improve the administrative framework and to represent common concerns to the BMZ and the public.
The following nine organisations jointly form the CPS Consortium.

Action Committee Service for Peace (AGDF)
The Action Committee Service for Peace (AGDF) is a specialist umbrella association of peace services connected to the Protestant Church.
Tel: +49 228 - 24 999 - 0

provides qualified specialists on the basis of the German Development Workers Act (EhfG) for the international cooperation of church and civil society organisations. Since 1959, it has offered consultancy services on all questions of personnel cooperation (until 2019 known as AGEH).
Tel: +49 221 - 88 96 - 0

Bread for the World
Bread for the World is the globally active development and relief agency of the Protestant Churches in Germany.
Tel: +49 30 - 65 211 - 0

EIRENE is an ecumenical peace service, whose experts work alongside partner organisations in Africa and Latin America, campaigning for the peaceful resolution of conflicts, the protection of human rights and sustainable development.
Tel: +49 2631 - 83 79 - 0

Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD)
Forum Civil Peace Service (forumZFD) supports people involved in violent conflicts on their path to peace. Since 1996, it has been striving to help overcome war and violence. forumZFD is currently working with peace consultants in Germany and ten other countries in Europe, the Middle East and South East Asia. Its Academy for Conflict Transformation offers professional trainings to people in international peace work. Through campaigns, lobby work and public relations forumZFD actively advocates civil peace policy. It finances its work through public and private grants, donations and membership fees.
Tel: +49 221 - 91 27 32 - 0

German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH
The German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH supports the Federal Government as a not-for-profit federal enterprise in achieving its goals in international cooperation for peace and sustainable development.
Tel: +49 228 - 4460 - 0

KURVE Wustrow – Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action e.V.e.V.
KURVE Wustrow – Centre for Training and Networking in Nonviolent Action was founded in 1980. It aims to transform concerns about violent confrontations, ecological destruction and social injustice into deliberate non-violent action.
Tel: +49 5843 - 9871 - 0

peace brigades international (pbi)
peace brigades international (pbi) campaigns for the protection of human rights and supports threatened human rights defenders in crisis areas.
Tel: +49 40 - 38 90 437 - 0

World Peace Service
World Peace Service (WFD) has been supporting people in their attempts to improve living conditions in the global South since 1959. The areas of engagement are non-violent conflict resolution, rural development, resource conservation, human rights and education. The cooperation with partner organisations generates expertise and knowledge for advocacy work in the public discourse about development policies and international cooperation.
Tel: +49 30 - 253 99 - 00
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
With the active involvement of development and peace service agencies, the BMZ has set out the framework conditions for the Civil Peace Service in terms of content and organisation and provides corresponding budget means. In consultation with the Auswärtiges Amt [Ministry of Foreign Affairs], the BMZ decides upon project funding applications from the implementing agencies and thus funds the Civil Peace Service.
The Working Group on Peace and Development
The Working Group on Peace and Development (FriEnt) is an association of governmental organisations, church development agencies, civil society networks, and political foundations. FriEnt aims to pool capacities, support networking and cooperation and contribute to conflict-sensitive development cooperation. The CPS Consortium is a member of FriEnt.