
Balkan.Perspectives No 19

The Youth and Dealing with the Past in the Western Balkans

Balkan.Perspectives edition 19 is dedicated to the young generations in the Western Balkans; to their motivations and challenges in the various realms connected to dealing with the past, peace building, and reconciliation processes. This edition seeks to emphasise that the younger generations – amongst other actors – play an essential role in dealing with the past, peace building, and reconciliation processes on the grassroots, national, regional, and international level. Therefore, this edition’s articles elaborate on the ascriptions surrounding youth and dealing with the past in the countries of the Western Balkans and shed light on the youth’s agency and potential roles in dealing with the past processes, as well as the obstacles they face. The contributors inquire about the motivation of youth activists, researchers, or journalists and ask: who are those “young persons” engaged in areas as diverse as peace building, discussing the region’s troubled past, environmental issues, community mobilisation and more? Link: (no PDF available).




Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst
